
wood and biosourced residential demonstration district

Quartier Port du Rhin / Strasbourg / Alsace

The objective of the Positive energy wood and biosourced residential demonstration district project is to experiment with the construction of a large district, using mainly wood (especially for the structure) and biosourced materials.
The heights of the buildings (up to R+10), are unusual in France for wooden constructions.
Finally, performance levels are well above current regulations with a BEPOS level.
However, if the experimentation is technical-constructive, it is implemented on an urban housing programme that must concretely meet the needs of populations that should not be the object of experimentation, with high quality standards (habitability, comfort of the housing and its extensions, environmental quality, etc.) and with controlled prices that guarantee a social mix through access to housing for all.
Thus, despite the importance of the demonstrator theme, it is indeed, for us, this ambition of urban quality and housing that will give meaning to the experimental constructive dimension of the operation.

89 logements Quartier Port du Rhin à Strasbourg / Alsace
Maître d’ouvrage: Nouvel Habitat

Aménageur: CUS / Communauté Urbaine de Strasbourg
Coût travaux: 9,2 MEHT
Surface: 6300 m2
Architectes / Tectoniques Mandataires
avec Atelier Ajeance architectes associés
Charpente concept ingénierie bois
Tectoniques ingénieurs TCE et économistes
Liermann Environnement

Lauréat concours / En cours de chantier

Projet inscrit dans le cadre d’une démarche de qualité environnementale sous RT 2012 Niveau BEPOS

chauffage sur réseau de chaleur
eau chaude sanitaire solaire
production photovoltaique
construction complète ossature bois et matériaux biosourcés récupération de chaleur sur les eaux grises

Projet bénéficiant de subventions européennes dans le cadre du programme Villes de demain / Ecocités